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HOME TBRA and HOME-ARP supportive services funding was awarded to the City of Vincennes in February of 2023.  The City of Vincennes is 1 of 6 awards in the state of Indiana. CFS, Corp. is a cooperating partner and administrator of the funds on behalf of the City of Vincennes.


Basic qualifications for HOME TBRA are:

1. Being currently homeless, at risk of homelessness, exiting incarceration and at-risk of homelessness, or fleeing domestic violence.

2.  Having been incarcerated at least one day in your life.

3.  Making or bringing in 60% or less of the Area Median Income for your family size.

      This is an easy and quick calculation to determine qualification. 


HOME-ARP Supportive Services are an array of additional services that can be provided to those enrolled in the HOME TBRRA program. 


To inquire about your eligibility for HOME TBRA in Vincennes, please call 812-316-1297 or email


To learn more about the state program visit: 

The Harm Reduction Team


Interested in becoming a TBRA Landlord?

If you are interested in becoming a landlord that accepts TBRA subsidies, please read through the lease addendum below. This addendum is required, through the grant, to be attached to your lease and must be followed in order to participate as a landlord with the TBRA program.

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